The Bishop agreed that they are being ordained at a challenging time, where morality is on the decline, where sin as well as corruption cannot be defined as such. He encouraged them to speak against the ills of society i.e. galamsey (illegal mining) which are causing destruction to the environment. The Church must also recognize the position in which they are being elevated to. They will assist the bishop in the Liturgy—thus service to the altar and charity with the duty to teach believers and non believers in the doctrines of Christ and the Church, preside over funeral and marriage liturgies, etc.—he said. He concluded by encouraging them to build good reputations by their lives of chastity beyond reproach. He thanked the families for offering their sons; reminding them that the task is not finished and will never be finished, since not even the priesthood is the goal, but an opportunity to serve and so one day meet as one great family in the life hereafter. He finally implored the help of St. Paul the Apostle to pray for the deacons so that they can serve faithfully as he did.