The Rector told the Nuncio that Pope John Minor Seminary is inter-diocesan which offers formation to candidates who aspire to become Priests for the Accra Archdiocese and Koforidua Diocese, but occasionally, some other dioceses also bring their candidates there. The Rector indicated that currently, there are 36 Minor Seminarians in formation.
The Headmistress of the entire community of Pope John Senior High School, of which the seminary is a part, Mrs Benedicta Foli, expressed words of welcome and profound gratitude to the Nuncio. She said the presence of His Excellency Jagodzinski will foster physical and spiritual fellowship and is a blessing upon the school.

In his address, His Excellency Most Rev. Henryk Jagodzinski, expressed his profound gratitude to the Bishop of Koforidua, Most Rev. Joseph Afrifah-Agyekum for arranging the visit to the Seminary. The Nuncio said every year the bishop sends a report on the Seminary through the Nunciature to Rome. The Nuncio also paid tribute to the hard work of the Rector, Fr Marcel Gorleku, the Seminary Prefect, Fr Raphael Gyapong Frimpong, and all those who have a part to play in the formation of the young seminarians as they listen to the voice of God.

Addressing the Seminarians, Nuncio said “my dear sons, I am happy to meet with you and briefly interact with you”. He further told the Seminarians, “The Church needs dedicated clergy and Religious and so I wish to encourage you to take your studies and formation seriously”. He again advised them to support one another in all aspects of their formation encouraging them to follow the school programme as well as the Seminary programme diligently. “Commit yourselves to daily prayers, devotion, meditation and Holy Mass”, the Nuncio told the young seminarians. He admonished them to pray for their parents, formators, teachers and the church.
The Vatican Ambassador concluded his address by wishing the seminarians, formators and staff, in advance, a merry Christmas and a happy new year 2022. What is also remarkable about this visit is that the Apostolic Nuncio joined the Seminarians in the School Chapel for Evening prayers and impacted his blessing on them at the end of the prayers before his departure from the seminary.


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