In his homily, the Vicar General recounted that: “Our families provide a climate of continuing growth which fosters fidelity to the Holy Family, develops the gifts God has given each one and strengthens the body of Christ, the Church.” He further reiterated that the biblical readings of the day presented with the image of two families on pilgrimage to the House of God. Elkanah and Hannah presented their son Samuel to the Temple and consecrated him to the Lord. In the same way, Joseph and Mary in the company of Jesus, go as pilgrims to Jerusalem to the Feast of Passover. (cf. 1Sam. 1:20-22, 24-28; Lk. 2:41-52). He admonished parents and guardians to nurture their children in faith and good morals exercising the virtues of love, humility and prudence.

In addressing the new administrator, the Vicar General expressed the Bishop’s gratitude for accepting the mandate to serve in the capacity as the Cathedral Administrator. He exhorted him to hold the office of Administrator in high esteem and hold firm the virtue of justice in exercising his duties. He pledged his unflinching support and asked the faithful to continue praying for him and be collaborators in his mission of serving the people of God.
The rite of installation and swearing of oath followed suit after the homily. After swearing in the oath of office, Very Rev. Fr. Asumadu was enthroned on the Presidential Chair by the Vicar General with the assistance of Mrs. Susan Agbashie, the Vice Chairperson and Very Rev. Fr. Marcellus Golerku, the Rector of Pope John Minor Seminary, Koforidua. The Vicar General also was presented the keys to the Church and the Tabernacle as well as a Missal to the newly inducted Administrator to signify his pastoral mission to celebrate Mass and the Sacraments with the parish faithful. By virtue of this solemn ceremony (ex-officio) he has canonically took possession of the Cathedral Church as the Administrator and not the Pastor.

Members of the PPC took turns to congratulate the new administrator while family members, societies and well-wishers presented gifts to him. In a congratulatory message from the President of the Koforidua Diocesan Priests’ Association (KODPA), Very Rev. Fr Ebenezer Abban, who is also a classmate and friend to Fr. Asumadu, on behalf of his brother Priests, praised him for his selflessness and readiness to serve God and His people for which his appointment as the Cathedral Administrator was not a surprise to him. He urged and encouraged the faithful to support and pray for Fr Asumadu to make his tenure of office a memorable one.
In his remarks, Very Rev. Fr. Joseph A. A. Asumadu thanked the Prelate of the Diocese, Most Rev. Joseph Afrifah-Agyekum for his appointment as to the Cathedral Administrator. He also expressed his gratitude to the Vicar General who he described as a mentor and counselor for accepting to preside over the Mass and the installation on behalf of the Bishop. He furthered thanked Fr. Emmanuel Opoku Boateng, his Associate, for acting in the interim since his arrival to the Cathedral. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to his family members, members of the Christian Mothers’ Association and some representatives of the PPC from the Holy Trinity Parish, Agormenya for coming to grace the occasion. He entreated, a new dawn has come and he prayed for collaboration and commitment from all parishioners to make his tenure a successful one.

Prior to his appointment as the Cathedral Administrator, Fr. Asumadu was the Parish Priest of the Holy Trinity Parish at Agormenya where he served as Pastor for eight years. He is also the immediate past President of Koforidua Diocesan Priest’ Association, which he also served for two terms. He becomes the 6th Administrator of the St. George Catholic Cathedral since the year 1993 when the Church was elevated to the status of a Diocese. He succeeded the immediate past Administrator, Very Rev. Fr. Felix Davordzi who also served in such a portfolio for 10 years. Fr. Felix is currently in Rome for studies.

The entire parishioners of St. George family wishes you, VERY REV. FR. JOSEPH AFFUM ATTA ASUMADU, a successful tenure of office!

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