Name, Location and Situation Profile: The name of the parish is Christ the King Quasi-Parish and it is found at Kwahu-Pepease, a town found in the Kwahu East district of the Eastern Region. It is a town located on the Kwahu ridge and specifically, five (5) kilometers from Kwahu Abetifi (the district capital). When you get to Abetifi, you turn right at the roundabout and you are heading towards Pepease. The Quasi-Parish is made up of mainly peasant farmers, with a few government workers. With regards to the population, the children and those of pension age are the majority. This is because the youth after completing basic and secondary education move to the big towns and cities to seek greener pastures. A lot of the inhabitants are involved in African Traditional Religion, while the Presbyterian Church is the predominant Christian denomination, with other Christian denominations like Anglican, Methodist, Pentecost, Church of Christ and other Charismatic churches present, as well as, some Moslem communities.