
To maintain the true and pure catholic liturgy as demanded by the universal church, this office seeks to promote the true catholic liturgy in the diocese. It does so by organizing workshops and seminars to teach and promote the correct liturgical practices dearly held by the church.

It also takes care of translating church documents, prayer booklets and other church related works into the various languages in the diocese.

As part of its core activities, this office takes care of all liturgical celebrations organized on the diocesan level.

It is the aim of the Bishop that, through the work and activities of this office, the diocese will continue to uphold and practice the pure catholic liturgy and further promote the full, conscious and active participation of the liturgy.

Diocesan Liturgical Office
c/o Diocesan Pastoral and Training Centre
P. O. Box KF 1750
Tel.: 03420- 26137

VR Fr. Sylvester Agyapong


On July 6, 1992, the Catholic Diocese of Koforidua was created. This was publicly announced by his Holiness Pope John Paul II (now St. John Paul), through the Papal Bull (an official Church document) Quod iusta quidem, on November 21, 1992. It was the tenth in Ghana, carved from the then Diocese of Accra.

Contact Us

Address: Box KF 625,
Koforidua, Ghana

Tel: 0595-222-361(Office)