Ladies of Marshall

The Ladies of Marshall, the women’s wing of the Noble Order was formed from three separate Catholic Associations based in Ghana and Togo. They were (i) The Thais Lodge of Ghana (ii) Catholic Daughters of Ghana and (iii) The Noble Ladies of St Anthony of Togo. Thais lodge derived its name from Rev Mother Thais, one of the early nuns who was known to have done excellent religious, social and educational work for girls in Elmina, Cape Coast and Kumasi.

Its headquarters was in Kumasi. Catholic Daughters of Ghana derived its name and organizational scheme from the Catholic Daughter of America, an American Catholic Ladies Association formed by the Knights of Columbus of the United States of America in 1903. Daughters of Ghana had their headquarters in Cape Coast. The Noble Ladies of St Anthony was a Catholic Ladies Association in Togo with its headquarters in Lome.

On 1st June, 1969, the Supreme Council Standing Committee of the Knights of Marshall accepted the final recommendations of the Working Committee to merge the three Catholic Associations into one single association to be known as Ladies of Marshall.

The Ladies of Marshall was duly and legally established on 20th December, 1969 with the Motto: Unity, Charity and Service, sharing in all the principles and tenets of the Noble Order of the Knights of Marshall in love of neighbour and service to the Catholic Church.

Currently, there are 87 Courts operating in Ghana, Togo, Benin, Liberia and the United Kingdom. The Headquarters of the Ladies of Marshall is located in Kumasi.

a) To inculcate into the members loyalty and fidelity to the state in which the Noble Order operates.
b) To promote and enhance fraternal Catholic spirit both by personal and group action in all phases of life.
c) To promote Catholic Education and Charity.
d) To maintain Fraternal Order of Catholic Leadership.
e) To honour and defend the Catholic Faith.
f) To prepare members of the Order for Lay Apostolate.
g) To render assistance to its members and their families in periods of emergency and need
h) To foster, facilitate, maintain and establish relations with national and international Catholic organizations with similar aims and objectives.
i) To collaborate with members of the Knights of St John International in the countries where the Noble Order operates for the common objective of helping the Catholic Church to flourish.
j) To undertake any financial and economic ventures that will facilitate the goals outlined by the objectives.

The following are the officers of the Eastern Regional Council for the current term, 2011-2013:

Title                                                      Name                                    Contact tel. no.

Regional Grand Knight - Worthy        Bro. Patrick Anumel                         0244314425
Deputy Regional Grand Knight -        Bro. Kwame Boamah Dwirah             0244383844
Regional Chaplain -                         Rev. Fr. Ernest Amoako-Opare
Regional Secretary -                        Bro. Joseph Nawo Boafo                   0244585602
Assistant Regional Secretary -          Bro. Benedict Akwetey                      0242188199

The following are the officers of the Eastern Regional Court of the current term, 2011-2013:

Regional Noble Lady Respected            Lady Sis. Felicity Dzeble               0271057157
Deputy Reg. Noble                              Lady Sis. Cecilia Akwetey             0208307559
Regional Secretary                              Sis. Agnes Ahovi                         0204752593
Assist. Reg. Secretary                          Sis. Juliana Teye Gagah               0244890588
Reg. Treasurer                                    Sis. Doris Kwao                          0243158721
Reg. Fin. Secretary                              Sis. Dora Sam

The constituent courts within the Eastern Regional Council are;
Court 9 - Koforidua
Court 33 - Odumase
Court 34 - Akim-Oda
Court 38 - Akosombo
Court 65 - Asamankese
Court 101 - Kwahu Tafo

Our contact addresses are as follows;-
Eastern Regional Council
Knights of Marshall,
Regional Secretariat,
No. SD/C. 13, Prince Boateng’s Street,
Near the Social Welfare Offices,
P.O.Box KF342,
Koforidua, Ghana.
Tel: 03420-21030
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Eastern Regional Court
Ladies of Marshall
P.O. Box 955

On July 6, 1992, the Catholic Diocese of Koforidua was created. This was publicly announced by his Holiness Pope John Paul II (now St. John Paul), through the Papal Bull (an official Church document) Quod iusta quidem, on November 21, 1992. It was the tenth in Ghana, carved from the then Diocese of Accra.

Contact Us

Address: Box KF 625,
Koforidua, Ghana

Tel: 0595-222-361(Office)