The Santa Barbara Catholic Church, Akosombo has celebrated its 60th Anniversary. The Anniversary marks a critical milestone of bringing spiritual growth to Catholics in the Akosombo Parish and its Outstations. From Friday 12th to Monday 15th August, 2022 Several activities were held to mark the celebrations.
The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Koforidua, Most Rev.Joseph Afrifah-Agyekum was the main celebrant for the Anniversary Mass, assisted by Monsignor Bobby Benson and some Priests in the Diocese of Koforidua.
Most Rev Joseph Afrifa-Agyekum urged Parishioners in his homily, on Sunday, 14th August, to remain united in the service and commitment to God and the Church. "As a Parish community you need to understand the sense of unity; believe in your creed/faith and let that unite you, and work hard for God and your Parish"
He admonished them to deepen their faith, reject sin and evangelize as the Holy Father has directed. He encouraged them to be proud of their faith and practices. “You have been commissioned at Baptism to be witnesses and agents of Evangelization for the Church."
The theme for the 60th Anniversary was; " Santa Barbara @ 60: A call to Communion; Unity in Creed, Worship and Evangelization.”
As part of the activities on Sunday, 39 candidates received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Bishop Afrifah-Agyekum cautioned the Confirmands not to see the Sacrament of Confirmation as a fashion but to allow themselves to be filled and renewed by the Holy Spirit to be witnesses for the Church, “Do not see the Confirmation as a fashion, be filled with the Holy Spirit and read your Bibles well. Catholics have been accused of not reading the Bible. That should not be said of you"
A brief History of the Santa Barbara Catholic Church, Akosombo
The Italian Contractors, Impreligo, who arrived in the last quarter of the year 1961 to undertake the construction of the Dam started the Roman Catholic Church in Akosombo.
The Akosombo Town was practically uninhabited prior to the commencement of the Volta River Project. The township came into existence as a result of the construction of the Akosombo Dam.
In 21 days, the Chapel was built and dedicated by the then Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini on August 8th 1962.
The Santa Barbara Catholic Church, Akosombo at now Community one became the first major monument on the Akosombo land. It served as a place of worship for the workers who were Catholics and others who were non-Catholics. An eye catching in the frontage of the Chapel is a cross purposely erected to face and directly overlook the centre of the Akosombo Dam.
The positioning of the cross is in accordance with Cardinal Montini's prayer indicative of God's permanent protection over the Dam during challenging period of the construction of the Dam and afterwards.
The increasing population of Catholics in Akosombo and the inability of residents to access the Chapel up on the hill, inspired Parishioners to build a new Church at Akosombo Community 2 in 1999. This beautiful and magnificent house of God was finally completed after so many years and dedicated in 2019.
Sod cut for mission house
The Bishop also cut sod for a the construction of a new Mission house. He was hopeful, Parishioners would support the priest to finish up this all-important project in time.